Getting ROI from Responsible AI

Getting ROI from Responsible AI

Project overview

Use Stakeholder Impact Mapping and Ethical Co-Design to Maximize the Benefits of Responsible AI

Turn organizational commitments for positive impact into practices that foster growth & support the bottom line.

Use Responsible AI practices to increase market share, reduce the cost of customer acquisition, and increase average revenue per customer.

Recent case study in the health care industry >

Available From
Jan 2024
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How our partners benefit

1. Reduce Cost of Customer Acquisition:

Increased trustworthiness leads to positive customer narratives.

2. Increase Average Revenue per Customer:

Ethical product design and business model development improve retention.

3. Increase Market Share:

Sound practices promote stable and reliable growth.

4. Retain the Best Talent:

Better organizational culture and capacity attract top performers.

5. Create a Competitive Moat:

Carefully built products are harder to copy.

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Project Facilitators


Jason is Managing Partner at Reverie Ventures, specializing in the use of Responsible AI for venture creation and growth. As a builder and investor, he has designed AI products in venture capital, legal, compliance, finance, and cybersecurity, and led AI investment strategies for growth-stage funds.


Ben is a co-founder and consultant at Ethical Resolve. He specializes in the ethics of data-dependent technologies, helping clients grow ethical culture and organizational capacity. Ethical Resolve has helped investors, startups, and large companies to build trust and avert risk since 2014.

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Learn How You Can Get ROI from Responsible AI